Employee Attraction & Retention Workshop Co-hosted by Morales Group + Purdue MEP
Employee Attraction & Retention Workshop: Find & Keep the Great People You Hire
In today’s competitive job market, attracting and retaining top talent has become a critical challenge for employers across the state. Purdue Manufacturing Extension Program (MEP) teamed with Morales Group to co-host a workshop dedicated to Human Resources (HR) professionals from the Manufacturing, Light Industrial, and Logistics sectors with a focus on strategy to improve talent attraction and retention practices. The purpose of this event was to help employers understand where they stand now with their employee attraction and retention (EA&R) challenges versus where they want to be in the future. By the end of the workshop, attendees were equipped with new strategies, including a customized Employee Attraction and Retention (EA&R) Action Plan complete with actionable next steps toward a better future.
Understanding the Current Challenges:
The workshop commenced with an introduction by Seth Morales, CEO of Morales Group, who shared his background and expertise in the staffing industry. Our workshop facilitators with Purdue MEP, Joseph (Joe) T. McMurry & Kevin Walton, set the stage for a day filled with industry nuggets and interactive sessions. During the workshop, we identified current obstacles, explored root causes, and discussed strategies for improving EA&R challenges within each attendee’s own organization. Common issues were highlighted, such as high attrition rates, financial instability, onboarding issues, work culture, etc. By acknowledging and addressing these challenges head-on, employers were able to gain a better perspective on their EA&R landscape. Identifying pain points and understanding the reasons behind talent attrition is crucial in formulating effective solutions.
Exploring Root Causes and Strategies:
To overcome talent attraction and retention challenges, it is essential to delve deeper into the root causes. One of the significant highlights of the workshop was the emphasis placed on calculating the true cost of turnover. Attendees were provided valuable insights into best practices for quantifying the impact of employee turnover on their organizations. This exercise allowed HR professionals to grasp the financial implications of high turnover rates and emphasized the importance of investing in effective talent attraction and retention strategies. By understanding the underlying factors that lead to high attrition rates, employers can tailor their strategies accordingly.
Creating a Tailored EA&R Action Plan:
The workshop took a hands-on approach by empowering employers to develop their own tailored EA&R Action Plan. Participants were provided a comprehensive framework, which guided them through the process of identifying specific actions and next steps that aligned with their organizational goals. This personalized approach ensures that employers can confidently navigate their path to a better place in terms of talent attraction and retention.
Become An Employer of Choice:
Ultimately, the workshop’s goal is not only to identify obstacles but to enable organizations to become employers of choice, essentially places where people aspire to work. By equipping employers with the necessary tools and knowledge, our workshop aimed to instill confidence in HR professionals’ ability to overcome talent attraction and retention challenges. Armed with a well-defined EA&R Action Plan, employers can take proactive measures to create a more enticing workplace environment right here in Indiana. This includes implementing strategies that foster employee satisfaction, engagement, and loyalty.
As organizations adapt and enhance their talent attraction and retention practices, they will gain a competitive advantage, foster a thriving work culture, and secure the long-term success of their businesses. Morales Group is proud to work alongside partners like Purdue Manufacturing Extension Partnership (MEP) that strive to support the manufacturing, light industrial, and logistics industries.
About Purdue Manufacturing Extension Program (MEP):
Purdue Manufacturing Extension Partnership (MEP) provides high-value, affordable solutions to help businesses increase profitability. As advocates for Indiana’s thousands of manufacturers, their staff leverages resources in both the public and private sectors to help identify areas of improvement, streamline processes, and ultimately increase competitiveness. Since 2005, Purdue MEP has helped Hoosier manufacturers collectively achieve almost $6.5 billion of economic impact and assisted their state-wide network of 8,000 manufacturers with producing products faster, better, and more economically, introducing engineering and technology solutions, training and upskilling the manufacturing workforce, overcoming employee attraction and retention challenges, achieving and maintaining customer-required certifications, securing state and federal funding or grants to lower costs, making products more profitable and clean, sustainable manufacturing processes.