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The USCIS recently released a new Employment Eligibility Verification Form I-9. Employers should start using the new Form I-9 with the revision date 03/08/13 immediately for all new hires. The older forms can be used for the next 60 days until May 7, 2013, when all employers must only use the new form (Rev.03/08/13)N.


Here are some of the changes to the I-9:

  • Form I-9 is now two-pages
  • Expanded instructions
  • New fields for email address, phone number and foreign passport in Section 1.


Employers are required to complete Form I-9 for all newly hired employees to verify their identity and authorization to work in the United States.

You may obtain the new Form I-9 (Rev.03/08/13)N by visiting I-9 Central or here.




Recruiting 03.22.13