Weekday Part-Time Jobs Near Me
If you are in the market for a job, check the hundreds of open weekday part-time jobs near me that are available and hiring today. Scroll to view and apply for a new job today.

Weekday Part-Time Jobs Near Me
There are many companies that are hiring near you. There are also many jobs that you can do at home and make money. You just need to know where to look for them and how to apply for them.
A part time job is a position that offers less than a full-time schedule (typically less than 35 hours per week). Part time jobs can be good for students looking to earn extra cash and gain experience in their field of choice.
One of the first steps that you can take in finding part time jobs near you is to do some research. This means, researching on Google with the phrase “Jobs hiring near me” and you’ll likely find listings of available jobs on multiple sites. You can narrow it down to “weekday only jobs” while you are conducting that search as well.
Here are some tips that can help you find part jobs when searching:
Look for jobs in local job boardsSometimes, you can find weekday only jobs if you are looking through the local job boards. Here are the local boards that you can use to find part time jobs that is suitable for you:
- Craigslist
- Indeed
- Monster
- Wow Jobs
- Your local newspaper
- Flyers in your local area
- Agencies
- Responding to hiring signs
With these resources, you can find the job that fits well with your experience and your schedule. Almost all of these resources have part time jobs available
Part Time Jobs Weekdays Only
If you are only available during the week, then you’ll want to make it clear to the prospective employer that you are only available during the week. Be specific in what kind of work you want to do, because there are so many different kinds out there! Otherwise, a more thorough search is required and you should put on the search engine, “Weekday jobs near me”. You’ll see the availability on some of the job postings that you may be interested in.
For example, if you are looking for an office job, there are multiple listings on multiple sites such as Craigslist and Indeed that may match your schedule. Sometimes, you may have to look just outside your city to see if there are any jobs available.
Here are some job that is available during the week:
- Government jobs
- Teaching jobs
- Childcare
- Construction
- Snow Plow Driver
- Fast Food
- Offices
As you see these are just some of the jobs that only operate during the week. Some of these jobs will accept applications for part time and some will accept applications if you don’t have the experience yet.
Jobs Weekdays Only Near Me
Another way to ensure that you get a job that lets you work on weekdays only if you insert “Full-time weekday jobs near me” on your search. Not only will it come up with the jobs that you are looking for, but it will adhere to your schedule perfectly.
Here a variety of reasons why some may want Monday thru Friday jobs:
- You can get paid while doing something you enjoy.
- You won’t be too tired to go out on Saturday night.
- Your employer might even give you time off during the holidays or summer vacation!
If your schedule is only Monday thru Friday, it may be difficult for you to find additional work opportunities outside those days (such as weekend jobs). In addition, if your job has a strict dress code, say business casual on Monday through Thursday and more casual attire on Fridays, you’ll have fewer options when looking for other jobs since some employers will not hire someone who doesn’t meet their standards for dress code at the place of employment.
The perfect job that works well during the week would be office jobs. They typically do not have anyone working on the weekends, which would be perfect for you!
Even if you are looking for weekday jobs with no experience, there are many fast food places that will take applications and asks about your schedule. From there, you can say that you are available during the week only.
Part-Time Weekday Evening Jobs
Perhaps during the day doesn’t work for you. Maybe you’re just a night owl that is more productive at nighttime. Whatever the reason, you may prefer to do evening part-time jobs.
There are plenty of companies who are looking for employees who wants jobs that’s at night. You can do a search online to see if there are any evening jobs available.
For example, if you search “Weekday evening jobs near me”, you’ll likely find jobs that involve stocking a grocery store after hours. Or perhaps being a delivery driver overnight for a major company such as FedEx.
Here’s how to keep yourself healthy while working the night shift:
Make sure you’re getting plenty of sleep
Humans are meant to be sleeping at nighttime, so it can take a while to turn your sleep cycle around. It may be a good idea to invest in blackout curtains so that you can sleep during the day. This way your brain can get tricked that it’s dark, and it’s time for bed.
Keep yourself healthy
To get through the evening shifts, you will want to keep yourself healthy so that you’re not falling asleep. This means eating good food, consume caffeine in moderation and don’t be as stressed. Being stressed out will lead to lack of sleep and more. It also helps that you can get excerise in too. It helps boost serotonin and more.
Reduce distractions
Distractions, especially at the time we’re supposed to be sleeping, can hinder our productivity. So try to have as little as distraction and focus on the task to get through the night shift. Before you know it, the shift will be over, and you will feel accomplished.
Part Time Weekday Morning Jobs
Are you an early bird? Perhaps you need the afternoon and evening free? Then, you’ll want to look for jobs that offer employment in the morning.
Even more specifically, you can search for jobs using this term on the job sites: “Part-time weekday morning jobs” and you’ll see some jobs come up.
These jobs are considered 1st shift. 1st shift jobs are between the hours of 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. which would be perfect for people who wants to work that shift only.
Here are a few places that you can find the best morning part time jobs near you:
- Farms
- Construction Sites
- Public Schools
- Offices
- Utility Services
- Fast Food Restaurants
These places may need some experience, but in a lot of them, you do not. So if you are worried about the experience when applying to morning jobs, make sure you read the job descriptions before applying. Also, a lot of places are willing to train their employees so apply with confidence to the jobs you want!
How to get through morning shifts:
Get as much sleep as possible
If you did not have a good night sleep, being alert early in the morning can hinder your productivity. So it’s important to be as rested as possible.
Turn your phone off
Of course, we want to stay in touch with our friends and family, but unless it’s an emergency, the phone should be off. Not only will it distract you, but it can get you in trouble at your place of employment. Everyone can wait to hear from you when your shift is over.
Part-Time Weekend Jobs Near Me
Sometimes, life gets in the way where one is busy during the week. Thankfully there are a plethora of opportunities that you can look into. In fact, you can search Indeed weekend jobs on that website and many positions will open up. Here are some part time jobs weekends only positions that you can apply for:
- Retail (This is very popular)
- Fast Food Places
- Customer Service
- Childcare
- Pet Care
- Tutoring
As you see, there’s something for everyone when you’re available on the weekend. All that it takes is a simple search on the internet with the phrase “part-time jobs near me Saturday and Sunday” to find the jobs available that you can apply to. Make sure that you apply to more ones so that you can have the job that you would like on the weekends.
If you don’t know already, Indeed is one of the top job boards that you can find a job from. There are hundreds of thousands of jobs posted there daily, depending on where you live.
You’ll need to create an account to apply to indeed jobs so you’ll need to go to indeed login. From there, you’ll need to put in your email address and some information. Then from there, you can apply for jobs or connect with an indeed employer with a part-time job that you are interested in.
There are morning, evening, and weekend jobs on Indeed, so all you need to do is apply with confidence and ace those interviews.