Current and Future Recruiting Trends
Recruitment practices have morphed at breakneck speed over the past decade. With technology driving these changes, recruiters can benefit from implementing current trends and keeping an ear to the ground on what’s coming down the pike.
Not sure where to start? We’ve got you covered. Read on to see some of the current recruitment trends we’re loving, and what we’re expecting to see in the future.
Current Trend: Emphasizing Candidate Experience
Job applicants work hard to set themselves apart from the pack. But is your organization doing the same? One way you can do this is by emphasizing candidate experience. Create a sense of urgency among candidates to let them know that you’re serious about filling positions with top talent. Assess your application qualifications to determine if they’re helping or hindering the hiring process, and prioritize speedy feedback to let applicants know where they are in the process. Focusing on creating a positive candidate experience will separate you from your competitors.
Another way to give your company a leg up on the competition: add virtual reality (VR) to the application process. Companies like Jaguar, General Mills, and Intuit are using VR to offer applicants fun skill-based tests and even provide office tours. However you decide to improve your hiring process, focusing on creating a positive candidate experience will separate you from your competitors.
Current Trend: Utilizing Video Interviewing
Eliminating geographical boundaries between employers and prospective new hires, the use of video interviews continues to trend upward in HR departments. Video interviews are especially handy in hiring for telecommuting or remote positions. While nothing can fully replace face-to-face interaction, we love that this trend saves time and money for both applicants and companies.
Future Trend: Targeted Ads
We’ve all experienced it — you search for an item on your phone, and before you know it, you’re scrolling by an ad for the exact same item on Instagram a few minutes later. A little freaky? Sure, but it’s the price we pay to stay digitally connected in the modern age. It’s not sorcery, but rather a way for marketers to use our locations and track cookies (not as tasty as it sounds) to see if we’re a potential consumer for their product.
Applying this to recruiting, many recruitment software applications can already help you target your ideal candidates, and get your ads in front of potential hires with the right skill set and experience level. Using the right keywords, job description, and ad content will all work together to reach your ideal candidate.
Future Trend: Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
Speaking of keywords, we can’t ignore the need to fine tune your SEO in regard to recruitment. Work with your IT and social media teams to make sure your company’s website reaches current mobility and useability standards. Doing so will ensure your company remains poised to attract the up and coming device-obsessed generation. Ramp up your social media content and intentionally drive traffic back to your site. Improving SEO will give you a higher chance of getting your targeted ads in front of the right audience.
Future Trend: Artificial Intelligence (AI)
We recently discussed the ways in which AI is impacting recruitment and do not see this trend going anywhere any time soon. Recruiters already rely heavily on AI to create a streamlined application process that saves time and money, as well as to conduct aforementioned video interviews. Now is the time to invest in technology that could further simplify your hiring process.
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Which recruitment trends do you hope to implement?