Message from CEO, President, Seth Morales
On behalf of everyone at Morales Group, our hearts go out to all those impacted by COVID-19 — not only those diagnosed with the virus and their families and friends, but those affected by lost work hours, closures, and related economic pressures.
Like you, we are pivoting daily to keep up with the rapidly changing circumstances related to COVID-19. The health and well-being of our team, external teammates, customers, and families is our number one priority. We will continue to evolve our response, as this is uncharted territory for many of us.
Never have our core values of being humble, being courageous, and being a light been tested harder, or become more necessary, than in this new reality we’re facing together.
Amid the ever-changing circumstances related to COVID-19, we find ourselves having to make unprecedented decisions about business as usual. The truth is, in this moment, there is no such thing as business as usual.
To protect our guests, teammates, and customers, we’re adding a more rigorous sanitary process on top of our daily routines. This includes disinfecting application stations, chairs, and desks every hour. We’re also restructuring maximum capacity in our offices, and we’ve moved our entire application online so it can be done at home to limit time spent in our offices.
We have contingency plans in place designed to prevent business disruptions. These include remote access capabilities and continuity plans for critical operations.
We know these are challenging times, but we continue to do our best to serve you.
Please stay safe and healthy, and take care of your family and each other.