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Employee Engagement Starts At The Top

Gears showing engagementBelief in the future of your organization and belief in senior leadership are the strongest drivers of employee engagement. This goes beyond just having a stated vision and mission statement, but involves leaders that take a sincere interest in their employee’s long-term success.

This is not to say that having a stated company Vision and Mission are not important. In fact, they are. According to research done by Modern Survey, employees are 26X’s more likely to be fully engaged in their jobs when an organization’s values are “known and understood.”

In the same survey, it was noted that 65% of the workforce feels they are under-engaged; that only 39% believe senior leadership shows a sincere interest in their well-being and only 41% have confidence in their company’s senior leadership.


So here’s the challenge ….

How do you get a workforce that feels it is generally underappreciated and uninspired to be more engaged?

  1. You absolutely need to create a Vision and Mission statements that speak to the future and promote the greater good that your company can accomplish. Knowing that you are part of something bigger is key to creating an engaging workplace.
  2. Senior management must profess and continually reinforce the company’s Vision, Mission and Goals. If top management doesn’t live their beliefs daily, then your employees will not incorporate these commitments into their actions.
  3. Build confidence in all you do. By exuding confidence and clearly communicating what needs to be done, others will jump on board.
  4. Recognize those around you. Showing appreciation for an employee’s effort and commitment will energize them.


Don’t Be Part of the Disengaged 65%

Building a workforce that believes that what it is doing positively impacts others, feels appreciated, and sees the company’s values reinforced daily, will ensure that they are NOT part of the disengaged 65%.


Workforce Development 11.12.12