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Contact: Israel Herrera, IFLTA President,

(812) 679-9169



Indianapolis, IN October 29, 2019

The Indiana Foreign Language Teachers Association’s (IFLTA) presents the inaugural Indiana Global and Multil-IN-gual Awards at 5:30 on Friday, November 1, 2019 at the Sheraton Hotel, Keystone Crossing, Indianapolis, at the association’s Annual Conference. The awards highlight individuals and organizations in Indiana that champion world languages and global skills.

The inaugural 2019 Awards and recipients are:

* The IFLTA Multilingual Golden Ribbon for Exemplary World Language School District to the Metropolitan School District of Lawrence Township, Indianapolis

* The IFLTA Dr. William Hatfield Distinguished Lifetime World Language Career to

Janet Holzer, Teacher of French and German for forty years

* The IFLTA Rep. Robert Behning Distinguished World Language Advocate Award to

   Dr. Gloria King, Director of Multicultural Affairs, Eskenazi Health, Indianapolis

* The IFLTA Dr. Walter Bartz Distinguished World Language Administrator Award to

   Nathan Williamson, Director, Title Grants and Support Programs, Indiana Department     of Education

* The IFLTA Inclusive Global Citizens Workforce Award for an Indiana company to

Tom Morales, Founding CEO, Morales Group, Indianapolis

* IFLTA “I am the NEXT World Language Teacher/Interpreter!” Award to

    Michael Johnson – Alexandria Monroe High School   

    Ainsley Epperson – Gibson Southern High School 

    Matthew Williams – Indiana University Bloomington 

    Caleb Sheets – Marian University

    Crisia Turcios – Marian University

The Indiana Global and Multil-IN-gual Celebration of Success Recognition Awards highlight outstanding contributions and successful efforts to demonstrate the importance of language skills in our globalized 21st century economy. About one-fourth of Indiana’s $395.5 billion gross domestic product comes from international trade. More than 8,000 companies export their products around the globe and some 200,000 Hoosiers are employed by more than 800 foreign-owned businesses. Indiana’s communities have grown more diverse as 8.4% of Hoosiers speak a language other than English at home and there are over 275 different languages represented in Indiana schools.

Since 2017, IFLTA members from across the state have been active participants in the Indiana Language Roadmap, an initiative led by the Center for the Study of Global Change in Indiana University’s Hamilton Lugar School of Global and International Studies, that has been developing a plan to strengthen world language learning, with collective input from stakeholders across business, education, health care, and government sectors.  “Building a More Global Indiana”, the strategic plan of the Indiana Language Roadmap initiative, sets forth priorities to develop “more opportunities for high-quality world language learning and global education while ensuring that individuals of all ages, backgrounds, professions, and regions of Indiana have equitable access to this instruction and knowledge.”

Promoting a Global Identity is one of the Roadmap plan’s four priorities.  The 2019 IFLTA awards celebrate stories of success to raise awareness of the economic, political and societal benefits of language skills and global competencies. IFLTA is an all-volunteer organization formed in 1969 to serve teachers of world languages in the state of Indiana.

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News 11.01.19