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As we are in the midst of the gig economy in Indianapolis, it is important to take note of hiring practices that are going to be a difference maker for potential hires. We hear on a consistent basis how organizations are struggling to build a consistent people pipeline that fills open jobs at a reasonable pace.

According to the American Staffing Association:

“When recruiting talent, ‘high touch’ still wins the day,” said Richard Wahlquist, ASA president and chief executive officer. “Businesses that rely too heavily on a ‘high tech’ but largely ‘faceless’ process are sending the wrong messages to job seekers looking for connections with companies that value their employees.”

Following this practice while hiring in Indianapolis, we have found that taking the time to make a significant connection with the individuals we hire has made a difference in the quality and longevity of our associates. People want to feel valued in every step of the hiring process.

Too often recruiters and hiring managers don’t want to make time to keep candidates involved. The further people feel from the process, the further they feel from organization. The more this prevails the more likely people drop out of the hiring process and look to more in-tune organizations for opportunities.

Don’t miss out on the best candidates by leaning too heavily on technology and automation. Personalize emails, phone calls, and all other forms of contact. Take the time to value every individual that walks through door and you will be shocked at the results.

On top of personalizing communication, focus on your organizations why (find our why). An organizational why has been a connective force that has made individuals feel part of the larger organization while pushing our team to connect and help all team members build better futures one story at a time.

To learn more about the ASA Workforce Monitor, visit

Recruiting 02.08.18